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Production techniques

The Production Techniques

Tailoring of a piece involves more than just finishing a fabric; it’s the final touch that decorates, embellishes, or provides the item with character.

At Bassols, we have expert tailors who not only handle specialist machines but who also complete each embellishment, one by one, on each piece, from the simplest backstitch to the most intricate embroidery. Their work requires experience, technique, skilled hands, and great concentration.

Find out what they can do with their fingers.

The appliqués
One or more pieces of fabric applied to a garment in an ornamental manner. The most elaborate is the Waldorf pattern, sewn with pleats made one by one.

The piped seam
A simple embroidery made with zig-zag stitches forming a decorative line. You will also find double and triple stitches in different colours and thicknesses.

The hemstitch
An ornamental seam consisting of cutting the weft threads and grouping the warp threads in stitches to form a pattern or border.

The bias cut
A fabric tape is applied to the seam on the bias binding which, in addition to embellishing the garment, helps to reinforce the seam.

The mitre
An elaborate sewing technique to finish the corners of the garment so that there is no bulk, in a perfect and uniform finish.